Wild Animals (possums)

Possums are an integral part of the Australian wild animal kingdom, and have been seen as both a pest and a beloved pet. They are nocturnal creatures, with their fur ranging from grey to black, and even some brightly coloured species. Possums can be found in many different habitats including woodlands, rainforests, urban gardens and even suburbs. Possums play an important role in the natural ecosystem by dispersing seeds from fruit they eat, pollinating plants and providing food for other animals. Despite this, possums can sometimes cause damage to crops or property when they take up residence in human dwellings.

However, it is important to remember that possums are native to Australia and should be respected accordingly. Responsible management of possum populations can help reduce conflict between humans and these fascinating creatures. This may include installing exclusion fencing around areas where they are not welcome or utilising humane trapping methods if relocation is necessary. There are also a variety of ways people can ensure their own yards remain uninviting to possums – such as limiting access to food sources or shelter areas.

Overall, possums add vibrancy to our landscapes and should be appreciated for their role within the environment. With appropriate action taken we can all coexist peacefully with these delightful wild animals!

Pest Control in Australia

Types of Pests in Australia

Frequently Asked Questions

Possums are considered to be a significant pest in Australia, as they can cause considerable damage to property and agriculture. They can also spread disease, contaminate food sources, and compete with native wildlife for resources.
Possum control in Australia is typically managed through traps, baiting, hunting, fencing or a combination of these methods.
Natural predators of possums include dingoes, foxes, eagles and wedge-tailed eagles.
Possums can damage crops by eating them or trampling them down; they can chew through wiring insulations which lead to power outages; they can spread diseases like leptospirosis; and they may also disrupt ecosystems by competing with native species for food and shelter resources.
Yes, there are laws that regulate the control of possums in Australia including state-based legislation such as the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (Victoria) and The Wildlife Protection Act (NSW). These laws set out rules about what types of trapping methods are acceptable and when it is appropriate to cull animals.