Rats and Mice

Rats and mice are often seen as a nuisance by many people. They can cause damage to property and spread disease, but they can also be beneficial to the environment. Despite their reputation for being pests, rats and mice can have a positive impact on ecosystems.

For instance, rats and mice are important food sources for larger predators such as birds of prey, snakes, foxes and cats. By providing these animals with sustenance, they help keep populations in balance. Additionally, rodents play an important role in dispersing seeds from plants that they feed upon. This helps to maintain biodiversity in natural habitats.

From a scientific perspective too, rats and mice are invaluable research subjects used to develop treatments for serious conditions like cancer and heart disease. Studies into diseases have been conducted on rodents since the late 1800s due to their similarity in biology with humans – making them ideal candidates for testing new medicines before they are administered to humans.

Overall, it is clear that although rats and mice may appear problematic initially, there are numerous advantages associated with them which should be acknowledged too - from aiding environmental sustainability to advancing medical research developments.

Pest Control in Australia


Frequently Asked Questions

Rats and mice are the two most common rodents found in households across Australia.
Common signs of a rat or mouse infestation include sightings of the rodents, droppings, damaged food packaging, gnaw marks on furniture or walls, and noise coming from inside walls.
The most effective way to control a rat or mouse infestation is through targeted baiting programs combined with exclusion methods such as sealing entry points and eliminating potential food sources for the rodents.