
Traps are an important tool used to protect our environment and our wildlife. They can be used to deter pests, prevent poaching, and generally keep animals safe. However, they must be used responsibly in order to avoid any unintended harm. Traps should only be set up where necessary and monitored regularly to ensure that no animals become trapped or injured. If an animal is found in a trap, it should be released as quickly as possible with minimal distress. It is also essential that traps are set up correctly so that other species of animals will not become ensnared by them. Finally, all traps should be removed when they are no longer needed in order to minimise the risk of any further harm being caused.

Pest Control in Australia


Frequently Asked Questions

Traps available for pest control in Australia include glue boards, snap traps, live traps and electronic traps.
The best places to set up traps for effective pest control in Australia are areas where there is high activity from the target pests, such as near food sources and entry points like doors and windows.
Yes, there are legal requirements that must be followed when using traps for pest control in Australia, including obtaining permits and ensuring humane practices are followed.
Baits may improve the effectiveness of certain trap types but they are not always necessary depending on the type of trap used and the target pests being controlled.
Traps should be checked regularly to ensure they remain effective and humane practices have been followed - generally once a week or more frequently if needed.